√ Pos Laju Kerteh

Pos Laju Kerteh is a trusted courier service provider located in Kerteh, Terengganu. With a strong commitment to efficiency and customer satisfaction, Pos Laju Kerteh ensures seamless delivery of packages and documents, serving as a reliable logistics partner for individuals and businesses alike.

NamePos Laju Kerteh
LocationPejabat Pos Kerteh, JKR 359, Jalan Telaga Papan Kerteh, 24300, Terengganu.
Operation hoursSunday – Thursday (8:30am – 5:30pm) <br> Saturday (8:30am – 1:00pm)
Google MapsClick Here

Available Service:

  • Domestic Delivery, International Shipping (EMS), Shopee drop-off, EasyParcel drop-off, Sendparcel drop-off, Pos Laju Prepaid envelop ( Buy or drop-off)
  • Unit Trusts (Amanah Saham)
  • Stamps & Stationery
  • Money Transfer
  • Insurance
  • Bill and Payments
  • Renewal of Vehicle License


Frequently Asked Questions in Couriermalaysia.com about Pos Laju Kerteh:

What are the operating hours of Pos Laju Kerteh?

Pos Laju Kerteh operates from Sunday to Thursday, with operation hours from 8:30am to 5:30pm. On Saturdays, the operating hours are from 8:30am to 1:00pm. The service center remains closed on Sundays.

Can I track my package sent through Pos Laju Kerteh?

Yes, Pos Laju Kerteh provides a reliable online tracking system that allows customers to track the progress of their shipments. Simply enter the unique tracking number provided upon sending the item to monitor its current location and delivery status

Are there any additional services offered by Pos Laju Kerteh?

Pos Laju Kerteh offers various supplementary services to cater to different customer needs. These may include insurance coverage for valuable items, cash-on-delivery service, and custom packaging solutions. Customers can inquire directly at the center for further details.

Pos Laju Kerteh stands as a reliable courier service provider, committed to delivering excellence in logistics and ensuring prompt and secure delivery of packages and documents to customers in Kerteh and its surrounding areas in Terengganu.

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I am an experienced courier with over 10 years of experience delivering packages and letters to various areas. Skilled in navigation and ensuring timely delivery.