√ Pos Laju Bahau

Pos Laju Bahau is a trusted postal service branch located in Bahau, Negeri Sembilan. Committed to efficient delivery and customer satisfaction, Pos Laju Bahau provides seamless postal solutions to individuals and businesses in the area.

NamePos Laju Bahau
LocationNo. 21, Jalan Masjid, Pusat Perniagaan Bahau, Bahau, 72100, Negeri Sembilan
Operation hoursMonday – Saturday (8:30am – 6:00pm) | Sunday Closed
Tel06-454 3182
Google MapsClick Here
*Closed on 3rd Saturday of the month

Available Service:

  • Domestic Delivery, International Shipping (EMS), Shopee drop-off, EasyParcel drop-off, Sendparcel drop-off, Pos Laju Prepaid envelop ( Buy or drop-off)
  • Unit Trusts (Amanah Saham)
  • Stamps & Stationery
  • Money Transfer
  • Insurance
  • Bill and Payments
  • Renewal of Vehicle License


Frequently Asked Questions in Couriermalaysia.com about Pos Laju Bahau:

What are the operating hours of Pos Laju Bahau?

Pos Laju Bahau operates from Monday to Saturday, with timings from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm. The branch remains closed on Sundays.

How can I contact Pos Laju Bahau?

You can contact Pos Laju Bahau by calling their telephone number at 06-454 3182. The dedicated staff will assist you with any inquiries or assistance you may need regarding your shipments or postal services.

Where is Pos Laju Bahau located?

Pos Laju Bahau is situated at No. 21, Jalan Masjid, Pusat Perniagaan Bahau, Bahau, 72100, Negeri Sembilan. For easy navigation, you can use the provided Google Maps link to locate the branch.

Pos Laju Bahau in Negeri Sembilan is a reliable and efficient postal service branch, serving the community with seamless delivery solutions. Located in Bahau, Pos Laju Bahau operates during convenient hours from Monday to Saturday, ensuring timely handling and delivery of parcels and mail.

For any inquiries or assistance, you can contact Pos Laju Bahau directly. With a commitment to customer satisfaction, Pos Laju Bahau is dedicated to providing reliable postal services to meet the needs of individuals and businesses in the region.

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I am an experienced courier with over 10 years of experience delivering packages and letters to various areas. Skilled in navigation and ensuring timely delivery.